Posts Tagged ‘real estate staging’
14505 Broken Bow Trail is staged and looking beautiful! This home sits on top of a hill with an immaculate view! I worked with the homeowners and Realtor Tyler O’Brien. We majorly decluttered this home! It was heavenly for their young daughter but when it came time to sell the home, it required decluttering and purging “kid stuff” and containing the toys to her room! After a ton of work and preparation the homeowners have the home looking great!

I worked with realtor Ashley Stucki to prepare 4308 Campo Verde! This house is a great two story home ready for it’s next family! We neutralized a few walls, removed window treatments to brighten the house and accessorized it in order to draw in potential buyers! After a two hour consultation and a ton of work by the family, the house looks wonderful!
Another house staged and up for sale!
*Photogrpahy by Ashley Stucki Real Estate

I recently staged the following listing with Realtor Seth Koppel. Look at how beautifully it presents in these photographs! The feeling the homes gives off when you enter is even better! Buyers expect to be wowed when entering a home! All furniture and accessories must be arranged just perfectly to impress buyers!
Address: 705 Rockcrest, Georgetown TX
MLS # 9025883
*Photography by Real Tour

Curb Appeal speaks volumes about a home when buyers come for a showing! Make sure your front lawn is spruced up. Mow the grass, edge the lawn, trim back bushes and plant a few color flowers right at the entrance. Make sure your front door mat is fresh and clean. As the realtor is opening the lock box the buyers eyes are roaming and scoping out every last detail. Also make sure the front door has a fresh coat of paint. First impressions are everything…so be sure not to screw it up!

Check out the bar stools. Angle bar stools and and chairs at a dining room table. It is much more inviting to buyers to have the chairs angled than closed off. It almost says to buyers, “Come in, have a seat and make yourself at home!” These are the small details that will set your home apart from others!

Staging a Bedroom. Often times bedspreads are extremely busy, like this strip pattern. Most comforters are reversible so roll back the comforter about 1 1/2 feet to show off the opposite side. Look what it did for this bed. It stops the stripes from taking over and adds another pattern giving the room even more character!

Staging a Master Bedroom. The focal point in the master should be the bed and nothing more! To simplify the room remove all clutter from the nightstands only leaving the lamps and one accessory on each table. Remember less is more when it comes to staging!

Entice buyers by setting your dining room table with a simple place mat, plate, bowl, formal dinner napkin and wine glass. Keep it simple and don’t use silverware. This will make buyers begin thinking about entertaining during the holidays, inviting friends and family over and get them thinking about living in your house! This draws emotion from buyers which increases the likelihood the fall in love! (Again, check out the angled chairs….so much more inviting!)