I recently wrapped up staging this precious condo!  It is a great example of how staging a home can increase value and decrease the time it’s on the market! 

Check out the before and after photos!


 Simplify and accessorize a space and it will sell!  In this instance we rented furniture and accessories to finish out this condo in South Austin.  The owners wanted to ensure their condo felt substantial and as updated as possible.  Buyers want a space which is inviting and warm, with a few coordinating accessories and a few new pieces of furniture the space was completely transformed.  Home Staging in Austin TX is the key to unclocking your homes potential! 


 This is a great example of how getting rid of knickknacks can immediately impact a space.  We angled a simple rug in front of the rocker to add a touch of texture, pattern and warmth.  If you have unattractive views out your windows, close the blinds half way.  This allows natural light in but keeps not so pretty scenery out! 


 There is no question this kitchen has character!  Kitchens are rather simple to stage…Less is More!  By removing items from the counter top it automatically allows the kitchen to breathe.  If there are shelving units leave just a few items per shelf.  It doesn’t take much to fill up a photograph! 



 The previous dining room left a bit to be desired.  The previous table was an antique which had a ton of character; however, when selling your home you want it to feel as updated as possible.  Antiques are meant to feel and look old, they do not necessarily make a space feel updated.  We replaced the table with a new and more contemporary look, added artwork and a simple touch of greenery.  The room feels much larger, updated and extremely airy!


Typically condos are rather small, therefore it is extremely important for the furniture to be appropriately scaled to fit the room.  The owners had an over-sized couch that didn’t seem to fit anywhere.  We rented a small love seat, accent chair and end table to furnish the room.  Take note of what artwork can do on a fireplace.  It helps give the room a dramatic look and feeling.  We de-cluttered the far wall to make it easier on buyers eyes.  Who wouldn’t want this darling condo?


Before being staged, the master bedroom was a multi-purpose space.  It served as an office, bedroom, library and storage space.  When staging a home it is important each room have a single purpose.  We took this cluttered space and turned it into a retreat!  Buyers want the master bedroom to feel like a get-a-way….and we accomplished just that!


 In comparison to competition this bathroom is a stand out!  It was extremely important that we showcase it well.  By de-cluttering and nicely folding/rolling towels we ended up with a beautiful bathroom that is easy to take in!  It is so important to make sure buyers can see what they are purchasing.  With all the clutter removed, there is no question who ever buys this property will have a beautiful bathroom!

Thank you for visiting Austin Simple Staging’s Blog! Check back soon!

(512) 585-9550

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